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Mrs. Narmhikaa Nithushan

Mrs. Narmhikaa Nithushan
Lecturer (Probationary)
B.Sc. (Hons) in Agriculture
Eastern University of Sri Lanka (2013-2017)
M.Sc in Horticulture, University of Peradeniya



Educational Qualifications:



Awarding institution


B.Sc. (hons) in in Agriculture

Crop Science

Eastern University of Sri Lanka


Masters of Science in Horticulture


PGIA ,University of Peradeniya


Memberships: Member of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS)

Working Experience:

  • Lecturer (Probationary) – Mar 2022 to Present Department of Biosystems Technology,Faculty of Technology,Eastern University, Sri Lanka
  • Temporary Assistant Lecturer – SEP 2020 to OCT 2021 Department of Bio system Technology Faculty of Technology Eastern University of Sri Lanka
  • Temporary Demonstrator- JAN 2018 to DEC 2018 Department of Animal Science Faculty of Agriculture Eastern University of Sri Lanka

Links to Publications


  1. Influence of Different Shade Levels on the Growth and Quality of Polyscias guilfoylei var. ‘variegata’ in the Batticaloa District of Sri Lanka. (2018) .International Journal of Research Publications, Volume-6, Issue-1
  2. A Review on Status of feed stuff regards with ruminants in Sri Lanka. (2018). International Journal of Research Publications , Volume-6, Issue-1
  3. Goat Farming Systems in Eravur and Vantharumoolai Veternery Ranges in Batticaloa District: Feeding and Management Strategies. (2018). Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences (SJAVS).Volume 5, Issue- 8: 458-462
  4. Influence of Different Shade Levels on the Growth and Quality of Codiaeum variegatum var. ‘Bush on fire’ in the Batticaloa District.(2018)..International Journal of Research Publications Volume-6, Issue-1
  5. Growth and Nutritive Response of Guinea Grass (Panicum maximum) to Different Organic Manure Application.(2019).Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences (SJAVS) Volume 6 ,Issue 3: 78–83
  6. The rearing system of goats in Mahaoya Veterinary Range in Ampara District, Sri Lanka. (2018)..International Research Journal of Biological Sciences. Volume 7,Issue 12, 26-31
  7. Socio Economic Status and Infrastructure Availability of Goat Farmers in Eravur and Vantharumoolai Veterinary Ranges in Batticaloa District.(2018).International Journal of Research Publications.Volume-7,Issue-1.
  8. Influence of edible oil coating on internal quality characteristics and shelf life of chicken eggs stored at room temperature. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 13(03), 354–359 Article DOI:
  9. Effect of fermented fish tonic on the growth and yield of Glycine max. (L). World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 12(03), 545–549 .Article DOI: 
  10. Influence of Poultry manure and Sugarcane molasses on the growth and yield of Radish (Raphanus sativus) L.var. “Beeralu Rabu”. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 14(03), 646–652.Article DOI:


  1. Effect of Graded Shade Levels on the Growth and Quality of Polyscias guilfoylei var ‘variegata’ in the Batticaloa District. 2nd International Research Symposium, Uva Wellasa University, Sri Lanka.


Research Interest

  • Horticulture
  • Floriculture
  • Landscape designing Horticulture and Urban planning
  • Indoor Garden Technology
  • Protected Agriculture Technology

Research projects

  • Vertical Gardening


  • Landscape designing Technology
  • Productive Insects Fungi and Algae Technology
  • Production Technology  of Bio control Agents



Positions Held

  • UBL Coordinator
Last Updated

About us

The Eastern University, Sri Lanka, was established on the 01st of October 1986 by a University Order dated 26th September 1986 issued under Section 2 of the Universities Act No: 16 of 1978.

Contact Us


Eastern University, Sri Lanka Vantharumoolai,
Tel: +94 65-2240490,2240590
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