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Research Council


The research policy of the university has been developed in accordance to Goal 2 (Achieve standards of excellence in research, innovation and postgraduate training) of the Strategic Plan 2020-2024.



  1. Prof. S. Sutharsan - Chairman
  2. Prof. S. Thirukkanesh - Representative
  3. Prof. A. G. Johnpillai - Representative
  4. Prof (Mrs) T. H. Seran - Representative
  5. Prof. T. Krishnamohan - Representative
  6. Dr. M. Roshini - Representative
  7. Dr. J.S. Rohan Savarimuttu - Representative
  8. Dr (Mrs) D.M. Hunupolagama - Representative
  9. Dr. V. Anavarathan - Representative/USM, TC
  10. Prof. T.Bhavan - Chairperson/FRC/FCM
  11. Dr. M. Koneswaran - Chairperson/FRC/FSC
  12. Dr. M. Nadira - Chairperson/FRC/FAC (via zoom)
  13. Dr (Mrs) T. Geretharan - Chairperson/FRC/FAG


Research Grants

Research grants of one-year duration are given to senior academics for research under following scheme:

  1. Research to be carried out as extensions of EUSL Research Policy document B1.1(i) (e.g., clustering of outputs towards a theme to solve social and environmental  issues, attending problems of SMEs and industry-based research via UBL, etc.) of regional and national importance.
  2. Competitive Research grants under categories B1 and B2 as per EUSL Research Policy document.
  3. Grants to sustain/continue research projects using expensive equipment obtained from big external and internal grants. Also funding  to fulfill inevitable unexpected hiccups (crisis situations) of research projects from outside research grants.
  4. Funds shall be available to host visiting researchers/collaborators to cover accommodation cost at International Residence, EUSL, subsistence, and possibly airfare with a ceiling.

Generic Ceiling for Research Grants: Rs. 750,000.00

Output Based Research Awards for the Publications in Indexed Journals

Award scheme for established researchers who perform high quality research and produce high impact research outputs (i.e., awards based on research publications in journals indexed by international databases stated in the EUSL Research Policy document that to be  used to further enhancement of their research.

These awards will be accumulated against their respective Grant Number that can be utilised by the researches.

Awards for Patent and Commercialization

The EUSL will recognize the research finding of the academic from EUSL and encouraging them by  converting their innovative findings to practical applications for national development, by considering under  Output Based Award Scheme by developing appropriate mechanisms.

Intellectual Property Policy will be developed to provide the necessary procedural framework for protection  of the resulting Intellectual rights and the necessary processes for the transfer of benefits at large with due  retention of ownership rights.

Prize Award for the outstanding undergraduate research project

Up to three awards per Faculty for a project (student & staff) under category B1.1(i) of the EUSL Research Policy document that are of potential impact to  community / environment as judged and decided through a mechanism by Research Council; and one award under  category B1.1(ii) of the EUSL Research Policy document, will be given at Annual Research Sessions/Conferences.

Prize Award for the research of Regional / National Impact

Prize Award for the Best Researcher for the year who’s research had made an impact to the community/environment  (Regional / National Impact) over a period of 3 years (category B1 of the EUSL Research Policy document)

Prize Award for the Best Researcher for the year which made global impact

Prize Award for the Best Researcher for the year who’s research had made an impact globally over a period of 5 years (category B2 of the EUSL Research Policy document).

Compilation of Undergraduate Dissertations



Research Equipment Database & Online System

Sri Lanka Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (SLJMR)




Eastern University, Sri Lanka,



Last Updated

About us

The Eastern University, Sri Lanka, was established on the 01st of October 1986 by a University Order dated 26th September 1986 issued under Section 2 of the Universities Act No: 16 of 1978.

Contact Us


Eastern University, Sri Lanka Vantharumoolai,
Tel: +94 65-2240490,2240590
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