About Us
Communities transformed in wisdom with CICL
To create linkages among entities of university and community, industry by provoking with an evidence based scientific approach
Objectives of the Centre are to;
- To promote and enhance industrial linkages with relevant communities via “community capacity building with needed infrastructure developments”.
- To Develop resource base industries to increase and effectively manage the community resources by strengthening community linkages.
- To promote industrial training along with active community participations based on community projects undertaken among undergraduate and postgraduate students.
- To empower the community through fulfillment of industrial demands by standard, recognized technologies and mechanisms.
- To provide substantial inputs to increase the national economy (GDP) and per capita income of individuals in the region.
- To enhance the reputation of the EUSL and increase the stakeholders’ social well-being through industry and community linkage
- Multidisciplinary village development. (MDVD)
- Conscientization of university stakeholders.
- Community based student out reach.
- Small scale industry facilitation

3.The Values of the Center
Why this Center

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