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Welcome to the Faculty of Graduate Studies

The Faculty of Graduate Studies offers a range of Postgraduate Degrees.

Postgraduate Diploma
Executive Diploma

Message from the Desk of the Dean

j-kennedy.JPG"I believe in institution and inspiration. Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. It is, strictly speaking, a real factor in scientific research”- Albert Einstein.

I am very pleased in the capacity of the Dean to quote the above by Einstein on behalf of the Faculty of Graduate Studies of the Eastern University, Sri Lanka.

Though the Faculty of Graduate Studies of the Eastern University, Sri Lanka is the youngest faculties of the University, established in 2003, supposed to be the most elegant faculties among other faculties, for, it deals with the higher order in the courses of study.

The aim of the Faculty is to produce scholars who shall contribute, first, for her/his fellow human who is next to her/him, then to make the Nation and the globe as whole a good, healthy, peaceful, and productive one through their research and novel innovations. From a Masters course to a Doctor of Philosophy Degree this aim must become the final one. By sharing love and humanity to the fellow mankind would only bring a “good citizen,” as Martin Luther King Jr. said “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

The prolonged three decade civil war had imposed many challenges: not only to the people of the region, but also affected the Nation in many ways. Followed by the great pandemic and the economic crises of the country had also their effects on every citizen. The said effects directly link the community where its shape has been damaged by many means. Thus, the role of the researcher arises to re-shape the community into a good shaped one. My fellow academics do it with all their efforts and make it their prime concern, though it is not a small target, but they do it to their maximum. Hence the researchers populous.

Finally, education through research must re-shape a “man” into a “human.” This must be an ultimate motto to every person in the good earth that we live in, and that must be engraved in every one who is admitted into this Faculty, whether a staff or a student, and the Faculty will lead to make this motto a true one.


Prof. J. Kennedy,
Dean/Faculty of Graduate Studies,
Eastern University, Sri Lanka.

Staff Details


Mr. A Sujendran
​ACIPM [SL], MCPM [SL], MIM[SL], MBA(HRM) [OUSL], MPAM [UOC], PGDip(HRM) [OUSL], CQHRM [CIPM, SL], BA [EUSL], Dip(HRM) [India], Dip(Comp.Stud) [Canada], Cert(Engl) [EUSL], Cert(Comp.Oper) [NAITA]
Actg. Senior Assistant Registrar
Faculty of Graduate Studies, Eastern University, Sri Lanka


Mr. Mohanarajah Sobanarajah
Management Assistant Gr III
Faculty of Graduate Studies
Eastern University, Sri Lanka
Tel: 077 620 1856

>> Members of the Faculty of Graduate Studies

Last Updated

About us

The Eastern University, Sri Lanka, was established on the 01st of October 1986 by a University Order dated 26th September 1986 issued under Section 2 of the Universities Act No: 16 of 1978.

Contact Us


Eastern University, Sri Lanka Vantharumoolai,
Tel: +94 65-2240490,2240590
Fax: +94 65-2240730