Research Groups
The research potential of groups in the respective fields are highlighted; potential postgraduate students who wish to follow a research degree (PhD/MPhil) are requested to contact the lead of the Research Group.
Symmetries of Differential Equations and Applications (SDEA) Research Group
Name of Research Group
Symmetries of Differential Equations and Applications (SDEA)
Brief Description of Overall Research
The study of nonlinear differential equations describing physical systems and finding their exact solutions remain the central focus of research for the past few decades. Finding exact solutions of these nonlinear equations, which can be either ordinary differential equations (ODEs) or partial differential equations (PDEs), is one of the most important tasks and their further investigation plays an essential role in the study of nonlinear physical phenomena.
We utilize the Lie symmetry group methods which have been proved to be indispensable and powerful tools for studying such nonlinear problems arising in many scientific fields including mathematics, engineering, physics and other mathematically-based sciences. Moreover, inter alia, we use symmetries and other means to obtain conservation laws of system of ODEs and PDEs as they have significant uses in the study of the analysis of stability and global behaviour of solutions and in developing numerical methods for these nonlinear differential equations. Linearizing transformations for nonlinear ODEs are also studied. Furthermore, we investigate construction and generation of approximate invariant solutions and approximate conservation laws by making use of approximate Lie-Bäcklund symmetry generators of a given system of perturbed or approximate ODEs and PDEs.
Academic Member (EUSL)
Prof. A. G. Johnpillai, Department of Mathematics, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
ResearcherID: G-4685-2011
Scopus ID: 8935822400
- Prof. F. M. Mahomed
DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, School of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Wits 2050, South Africa.
Scopus ID: 14321832300
- Prof. M. Lakshmanan
Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics, School of Physics, Bharathidasan University,Tiruchirappalli, India.
- Prof. C. M. Khalique
International Institute for Symmetry Analysis and Mathematical Modelling, Department of Mathematical Sciences, North-West University, Mafikeng Campus, Private Bag X 2046, Mmabatho, South Africa.
- Prof. R. Naz
Centre for Mathematics and Statistical Sciences, Lahore School of Economics, Lahore, Pakistan.
Scopus ID: 7005332539
- Prof. S. Jamal
School of Mathematics, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.
- Dr. T. Kanna
Post-Graduate and Research Department of Physics, Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli, India.
Postgraduate Research Students
Applications are invited from prospective candidates for MPhil and PhD degree programmes in Mathematics. You should contact Prof. A. G. Johnpillai via the email,, for further details of research projects available in Lie symmetry group methods of differential equations.
Not Applicable
Output(Selected Research Publications)
- S. Jamal and A. G. Johnpillai (2020) Fourth-Order Pattern Forming PDEs: Partial and Approximate Symmetries, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 25(2), 198-207.
- S. Jamal and A. G. Johnpillai(2020) Constitutive thermal laws and the exact solutions of Timoshenko systems, Indian Journal of Physics, 94(2), 233-242.
- A. G. Johnpillai, C. M. Khalique and F. M. Mahomed (2019) Travelling wave group-invariant solutions and conservation laws for θ-equation, Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 13(1), 13-29.
- K. Sakkaravarthi, A. G. Johnpillai, A. Durga Devi, T. Kanna and M. Lakshmanan (2018) Lie symmetry analysis and group invariant solutions of the nonlinear Helmholtz equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 331, 457-472.
- R. Naz and A. G. Johnpillai (2018) Exact solutions via invariant approach for Black-Scholes model with time-dependent parameters, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 41(12), 4417-4427.
- A. G. Johnpillai, K. S. Mahomed, C. Harley and F. M. Mahomed (2016) Noether symmetry analysis of the dynamic Euler-Bernoulli beam equation, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, 71(5)a, 447-456.
- F. M. Mahomed, A. G. Johnpillai and A. Aslam (2015) Symmetry classification and joint invariants for the scalar linear (1+1) elliptic equation, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 25(1-3), 84-93.
- A. G. Johnpillai, F. M. Mahomed and S. Abbasbandy (2014) Fundamental solution via invariant approach for a brain tumor model and its extensions, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, 69a(12), 725-732.
- A. G. Johnpillai and C. M. Khalique (2014) Symmetry solutions and conservation laws for Sharma-Tasso-Olver equation, ScienceAsia, 40(6), 451-458.
- A. G. Johnpillai and C. M. Khalique (2013) Symmetry reductions, exact solutions and conservation laws of a modified Hunter-Saxton equation, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 1-5.
- A. G. Johnpillai and F. M. Mahomed (2013) On Linearization by Generalized Sundman Transformations of a Class of Liénard Type Equations and Its Generalization, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 7(6), 2355-2359.
- A. H. Bokhari, A. G. Johnpillai, A. H. Kara, F. M. Mahomed and F. D. Zaman (2013) Classification of Static Spherically Symmetric Spacetimes by Noether Symmetries, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 52(10), 3534-3542.
- A. G. Johnpillai, A. H. Kara and A. Biswas (2013) Exact Group Invariant Solutions and Conservation Laws of Complex Modified KdV Equation, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, 68(8/9), 510-514.
- A. G. Johnpillai, A. H. Kara and A. Biswas (2013) Symmetry reduction, exact group-invariant solutions and conservation laws of the Benjamin-Bona Mahoney equation, Applied Mathematics Letters, 26(3), 376-381.
- A. G. Johnpillai, C. M. Khalique and F. M. Mahomed (2012) Lie and Riccati Linearization of a Class of Lienard Type Equations, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 2012, Article ID 171205, 8 pages.
- A. Biswas, G. Ebadi, M. Fessak, A. G. Johnpillai, S. Johnson and E. V. Krishnan and A. Yildirim (2012) Solutions of the perturbed Klein-Gordon equations, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology Transaction A - Science, 36 (A4), 431-452.
- A. H. Bokhari, A. G. Johnpillai, F. M. Mahomed and F. D. Zaman (2012) Approximate conservation laws of nonlinear perturbed heat and wave equations, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 13(6), 2823-2829.
- A. G. Johnpillai, Ahmet Yildirim and A. Biswas (2012) Chiral Solitons with Bohm Potential by Lie Group Analysis and Traveling Wave Hypothesis, Romanian Journal of Physics, 57(3–4), 545–554.
- A. G. Johnpillai, C. M. Khalique and F. M. Mahomed (2012) Lie point symmetries, partial Noether operators and first integrals of the Painleve-Gambier equations, Nonlinear Analysis A: Theory, Methods & Applications, 75(1), 30-36.
- A. G. Johnpillai, A. H. Kara and A. Biswas (2011) Symmetry solutions and reductions of a class of generalized (2+1)-dimensional Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 12(1-8), 45-50.
- A. G. Johnpillai and C. M. Khalique (2011) Variational Approaches to Conservation Laws for a Nonlinear Evolution Equation with Time-Dependent Coefficients, Quaestiones Mathematicae, 34(2), 235-245.
- A. G. Johnpillai, C. M. Khalique and A. Biswas (2011) Exact Solutions of the mKdV Equation with Time-Dependent Coefficients, Mathematical Communications, 16(2), 509-518.
Human Resource Development (HRD) Research Group
Name of the Research Group
Human Resource Development (HRD)
Brief description of overall research
The theme of this group is to elucidate, examine and explore theories, practices and research-based HRD strategies that have proved effective at enhancing various aspects relating to the performance of individual employees as well as the organization as a whole.
Academic members (EUSL)
- JASK Jayakody, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
- P.Kailasapathy, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
- PHT Kumara, Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka
- RAPIS Dharmadasa, Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka
- Frank G.Giuseffi, Lindenwood University, USA
- Anugamini P. Srivastava, Symbiosis Institute of Business Management Pune, India
- Uma Bhushan, VESIM Business School, Mumbai, India
- Neuza Ribeiro, School of Technology and Management, Poland
- Cristina Raluca Gh. Popescu, University of Bucharest and the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
- Karen R Johnson, University of North Texas, USA
Research Grants
Research Grant from Uva Wellassa University for the research ‘Explore the Impact of Internship Experience on Entrepreneurial Intention of the Graduates’ [Grant No. UWU/RG/2019/006] – Rs.192,000
Research Grand from Uva Wellassa University for the research ‘Networking Behaviour and its Impact on Entrepreneurial Performance; The Mediation Role of Self-esteem (With Special Reference to Women SME Owners in Sri Lanka)’ [Grant No. UWU/RG/2019/016] – Rs. 300,000
PG research students
‘Impact of Glass Ceiling on Female Career Advancement: Moderating Role of Female Career Aspirations: Study on Hotel Industry in Sri Lanka’ Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM) of the University of Kelaniya. – Anupama Damunupola [2018]
- Sutha.J. (2019). Workforce Coaching, Mentoring, and Counseling: Emerging Research and Opportunities: Emerging Research and Opportunities, Advances in Human Resources Management and Organizational Development, IGI Global, USA, ISBN- 9781522592365
- Jayaranjani Sutha. (2020) Non-Mandatory Training: A Concept Analysis in the Work, Environmental Context: in Carvalho.L.C., Noronha.A.B., Crisomar Lobo de Souza (eds) Learning Styles and Strategies for Management Students.IGI Global, USA. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2124-3.ch009
- Danthanarayana C.P., Kumara P.H.T., Wijesundara W.G.S.R., Sutha J. (2020) The Effect of Knowledge Sharing Practices on Employees’ Knowledge and Capabilities in the Hotel Industry in Sri Lanka. In: Coşkun İ., Othman N., Aslam M., Lew A. (eds) Travel and Tourism: Sustainability, Economics, and Management Issues. Springer, Singapore. DOI
- Workforce Coaching, Mentoring, and Counseling: Emerging Research and Opportunities: Emerging Research and Opportunities: Edited by Jayaranjani Sutha, “Application of Equity Theory on Adult learning”, (2019), J.T.Perera, J.Sutha, Global Disseminators of knowledge. ISBN – 9781522592365. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9235-8.ch003
- Structural Equation Modeling Approaches to E-Service Adoption: Edited by, Yakup Akgül, “Study of Emotional Factors Influencing Professionals' Adoption to E-Payment in Sri Lanka, (2019), D.D.De Silva, J.Sutha, Global Disseminators of knowledge. ISBN – 9781522580157. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8015-7.ch012
- Hierarchical Planning and Information Sharing Techniques in Supply Chain Management: Edited by, Taghipour, Atour, Impact of Green Supply Chain Management on competitive advantage of business organizations in Sri Lanka, (2019). A.R.Sadurdeen, Jayaranjani Sutha, IGI Global Disseminators of knowledge. ISBN – 9781522573005. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7299-2.ch004
- Cases on Corporate Social Responsibility and Contemporary Issues in Organizations, edited by: Antonaras, Alexandros, Dekoulou, Paraskevi, “Influence of Internal Corporate Social Responsibility on Employee Retention with Special Reference to the Apparel Industry in Sri Lanka”, (2019). A.G.N.K Fernando, Jayaranjani Sutha, IGI Global Disseminators of knowledge. ISBN - 9781522577157. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7715-7.ch019.
- Emerging Self-Directed Learning Strategies in the Digital Age: “Exploring the role of adult learning theory in understanding employees’ participation in non-mandatory training”, (2018). Jayaranjani Sutha. IGI Global Disseminators of knowledge. ISBN - 9781522534655. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-3465-5.ch004
- Current Issues in Management Research (An indo-Sri Lanka Perspective) : “Adult learning theory in the context of non-mandatory training participation intention of employees’”, Jayaranjani Sutha. Archers and Elevators Publishing house, Indian, ISBN- 9789385640-98-8.
- W.M.H.K. Bandara, J. Sutha, D.M.R.S. Dissanayake, Impact of Employees’ Protean Career Attitudes on Organizational Commitment of Financial Industry in Sri Lanka, Journal of Management and Tourism. Vol.III (I) 27-41, 2020
- D.S. Munasinghe, J. Sutha, K.J.T. Perera, (2019), A Study of Factors Influences on Self-Directed Learning of Undergraduates (With Special Reference to Sri Lankan Universities), Journal of Management and Tourism. Vol. II(II) 55-70, 2019.
- A.W.G. Madhurangi, J.Sutha, P. Wachisara, (2019), Career Aspiration of Undergraduates in Sri Lanka, Mentor: The Journal of Business Studies. Vol.03 (01), 1-19, 2019.
- W.A.D.N. Poornima, J.Sutha, K.J.T.Perera, (2018), A Study on the Impact of Effective Succession Planning Practices on Employee Retention of Private Business Organizations in Sri Lanka, Journal of Management and Tourism. Vol. 01(2) 21-33, 2018.
- K. Biyagamage, Jayaranjani Sutha, (2018), Assessing the Antecedents and Consequences of Work Life Imbalance (With Special Reference to Female Nurses in Government Hospitals), Journal of Management and Tourism. Vol. 01(1) 21-40, 2018.
- Perera K.J.T, Sutha.J, (2018), Factors influence on consumers’ leisure shopping behaviour in shopping malls in Sri Lanka, International Journal of Engineering and Management Research. Vol.8 (1) 72-76, 2018
- Perera K.J.T, Sutha.J, (2018), Factors influence on consumers’ leisure shopping behaviour in shopping malls and its future research direction-literature review, International Journal of Scientific Research and Publication. Vol.8 (2) 203-219, 2018.
- Krishnamoorthy Kamalan, Jayaranjani Sutha. (2017). Influence of Fun and Entertainment in workplace on employees’ performance in Sri Lankan IT sector, International journal of economics, business and management. SAS publishers, Vol.4 (11), 2017.
- Perera K.J.T, Sutha.J, “A Study on the Impact of Perceived Organizational Support on Organizational Commitment (With Special Reference to XYZ Company)”, (2017), International Journal of Engineering and Management Research, Volume-7(6), 20-25.
- Jayaranjani Sutha, Pavithra Kailasapathy, & J.A.S.K.Jayakody. (2016). The Effect Of Perceived Organizational Support On Employees’ Intention To Participate In Non-Mandatory Trainings In Sri Lankan Business Organizations, International Journal of Business and Management studies, University, Vol. 5 (2), 2016.
- “Integrated theoretical model for employees’ intention to participate in non-mandatory training”, Jayaranjani Sutha, Pavithra Kailasapathy, & J.A.S.K.Jayakody. International Journal of Business and Management, Canadian Center for Science and Education, Vol. 11 (11), 2016.
- “Employees’ participation in non-mandatory training and its future research direction – Literature review”. Jayaranjani Sutha, International Journal of Engineering and Management research, Vol.6 (1), 2016.
General Relativity Research Group (GRRG)

General Relativity
Brief description of overall research
The General Relativity Research Group (GRRG)was established in 2012 at EUSL and involves in theoretical research focused on modelling and description of relativistic astrophysical compact objects using Einstein’s and Einstein-Maxwell’s system of field equations. Prof. S. Thirukkanesh, Professor in Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics, is the leader of GRRG, and Prof. F. C. Ragel, Professor of Physics working in the group from Department of Physics. The GRRG collaborates with some overseas theoretical researchers in the field from South Africa and India.
Academic members (EUSL)
- Prof. S Thirukkanesh, Department of Mathematics
Research links:
- Prof. F. C. Ragel, Department of Physics
Research links:
- Prof. S. D. Maharaj, Senior Professor, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa.
Research links:
- Prof. M. Govender, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa.
Research links:
- Prof. Ranjan Sharma, Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University, Cooch Behar, India.
Research links:
- Dr. Shyam Das, P. D. Women's College, Jalpāiguri, India.
Research links:
Research Grants
National Research Council Grant: Investigator Driven Research Grant. (Grant No.: NRC 18-077 from 20.04.2018 to 31.07.2020).
PG research students
MPhil Student: Ms. R. N. Nasheeha
Project Title: General Relativistic Models for Anisotropic Compact Stars.
Not applicable (theoretical studies).
Details of recent publications emanating from the group (within last five years):
- S. Thirukkanesh, R. Sharma, R. & S. Das, Model of a static spherically symmetric anisotropic fluid distribution in paraboloidal spacetime admitting a polytropic equation of state. The European Physical Journal Plus, 135, 629 (2020).
- Anand Kaisavelu, S. Thirukkanesh, Megan Govender and S.D. Maharaj, The impact of spheroidicity on the stability of polytropic spheres, Annals of Physics, 419 168215 (2020).
- S.Thirukkanesh, Anand Kaisavelu and Megan Govender, A comparative study of the linear and colour-flavour-locked equation of states for compact objects, The European Physical Journal C 80, 214 (2020).
- R. N. Nasheeha, S. Thirukkanesh and F. C. Ragel, Anisotropic generalization of isotropic models via hypergeometric equation, The European Physical Journal C80, 6 (2020).
- S. Thirukkanesh, Ranjan Sharma and Sunil D. Maharaj, Anisotropic generalization of Vaidya-Tikekar superdense stars, The European Physical Journal Plus134, 378 (2019).
- F. C. Ragel and S. Thirukkanesh, General relativistic model for mixed fluid sphere with equation of state, The European Physical Journal C79, 306 (2019).
- S.Thirukkanesh, F. C. Ragel, Ranjan Sharma and Shyam Das, Anisotropic generalization of well-known solutions describing relativistic self-gravitating fluid systems: an algorithm, The European Physical Journal C78, 31 (2018).
- Ranjan Sharma, Shyam Das and S. Thirukkanesh, Anisotropic extension of Finch and Skea stellar model, Astrophysics and Space Science, 362, 232 (2017).
- S Thirukkanesh and F C Ragel, A realistic model for charged strange quark stars, Chinese Physics C, 41(1) 015102 (2017)
- N F Naidu, M Govender, S Thirukkanesh and S D Maharaj, Radiating fluid sphere immersed in an anisotropic atmosphere, General Relativity and Gravitation, 49(7) 95 (2017).
- S Thirukkanesh and F C Ragel, Charged analogue of well behaved neutral spheres: An algorithmic approach, Chinese Physics C, 40(4) 045101 (2016).
Physics of Strongly Correlated Materials (PSCM) Research Group
Name of Research Group
Physics of Strongly Correlated Materials (PSCM)
Brief description of overall research
Strongly correlated cage compounds (SCCC) are conceived to unify within a single material, the specific properties of strongly correlated electron systems (SCES) and cage compounds. SCES can give rise to a large variety of peculiar phenomena such as heavy-fermion behavior, unconventional superconductivity, Kondo-insulating behaviour, intermediate valence, non-Fermi liquid behavior, and quantum criticality.In heavy-fermions and the Kondo insulators, the ground state results from the competing exchange interactions of the Kondo and the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interactions. The competing effect of Kondo and the RKKY interactions admixed furthermore with the crystal electric field effect are known to produce a wealth of exotic quantum states, for example, valence fluctuation, spin reorientation, long-range magnetic ordering, semiconducting heavy-fermion behavior, ferromagnetic quantum criticality, non-Fermi liquid behavior, spin gap formation, antiferromagnetic superzone gap formation. In heavy-fermions, the c-f hybridization electrons lead to Kondo spin compensated state and which can result in a substantial enhancement of thermoelectric power and anomalous behaviour of the transport, thermal and magnetic properties. Some of these properties become favorable for devising thermoelectric materials.
Academic members (EUSL)
- Prof. P Peratheepan, Professor in Physics, Department of Physics (Leader)
Scopus ID:
Publons (Web of Science):
Google Scholar:
- Prof. F. C. Ragel, Professor of Physics, Department of Physics.
Scopus ID:,
Publons (Web of Science):
Google Scholar:
- Dr. P. R. Fernando, Senior Lecturer Gr-I, Department of Physics.
Scopus ID:
- Prof. A. M.Strydom, Research Professor, Physics Department,
University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Scopus ID:
Google Scholar:
Research Grants
DOR, AHEAD grant Rs. 40 million
PG research students
- Mini Arc Melting System to prepare high quality polycrystalline alloy samples.
- Cryogen-Free Measurement System (CFMS) for temperature- and magnetic field-dependent thermal transport (thermoelectric power and thermal conductivity) and electrical transport (DC electrical resistivity and Hall effect) measurements (to be purchased).
- Precision Sectioning Saw with diamond wafering blades (to be purchased).
Still establishing the lab, no publications by the group on the project yet.
Nanotechnology Research Group
Name of Research Group
Nanotechnology Research Group
Brief description of overall research
This research group is focussed on synthesising different types of nanoparticles from various sources and apply them in different applications. Currently, we are focussing on two main areas of research
- Improving the properties of the concrete materials using the nanomaterials.
- Developing the optical sensors using different types of nanomaterials.
Members of Research Group
- Principal Researcher/ Investigator
Dr. M. Koneswaran
Department of Chemistry, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
Scopus ID: 25630650700 - Co-investigator
Dr. M. Sithambaresan
Department of Chemistry, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
Scopus ID: 36454222600
Google Scholar
Dr. D.A.S. Amarasinghe
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Moratuwa
Dr. Dinesh Attygalle
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Moratuwa
Dr. S. Ahilan
Department of Physics, Open University of Sri Lanka
Research Grants
Currently, this research group received a research grant through AHEAD/ DOR project which is funded by the World Bank
Title of the Research Project: Exploration of local nanomaterials for concrete technology.
The amount of the Research Grant: LKR 40 Million
Two Research Assistants working on this project will be registered for postgraduate degree programme (MPhill/ PhD) soon.
The research group has the following Hi-Tec instruments in the Department of Chemistry, Eastern University, Sri Lanka for their research work
- Fourier Infrared (FT-IR) Spectroscopy
- Thermogravimetric Analyser (TGA)
- UV-Visible Absorption Spectroscopy
- Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS)
This group is purchasing the Fluorescence Spectrometer through the AHEAD/ DOR Research Grant.
Recent publications emanating from the group members
- S R Senevirathna, S Amarasinghe, V Karunaratne, M Koneswaran, L Karunanayake, Effect of microstructural arrangement of MDI-based polyurethanes on their photoproperties, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2019, 136, 47431. DOI: 10.1002/app.47431
- S R Senevirathna, S Amarasinghe, V Karunaratne, M Koneswaran, L Karunanayake, the effect of change of ionomer/polyol molar ratio on dispersion stability and crystalline structure of films produced from hydrophilic polyurethanes, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2017, 134, 44475.DOI: 10.1002/app.44475
- SM. Ng, M. Koneswaran, and R. Narayanaswamy, “A review on fluorescent inorganic nanoparticles for optical sensing applications” RSC Advances, 2016, Volume 6, Pages 21624-21661.
- DAS Amarasinghe, D Sunil, HD Gafney, Effect of CO Pressure Gradients on the Photochemistry and Thermal Chemistry of Fe(CO)5Physisorbed into Porous Vycor Glass;, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (43), 20824-20831.
- P. Pradhan, P. Aryal, D. Attygalle, A. Ibdah, P. Koirala, J. Li, K. P. Bhandari, G. K. Liyanage, R. J. Ellingson, M. J. Heben, S. Marsillac, R. W. Collins, N. J. Podraza, Real Time Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Analysis of First Stage CuIn1− xGaxSe2 Growth: Indium-Gallium Selenide Co-Evaporation., Materials, 2018, 11(1), 145; doi:10.3390/ma11010145
- Shi, Z., Attygalle, D.,Jayatissa, A.H., Kesterite-based next generation high performance thin film solar cell: current progress and future prospects, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2016). doi:10.1007/s10854-016-5753-1
- Aryal, P., Ibdah, A. -R., Pradhan, P., Attygalle, D., Koirala, P., Podraza, N. J., Marsillac, S., Collins, R. W., and Li, J., Parameterized complex dielectric functions of CuIn1−xGaxSe2: applications in optical characterization of compositional non-uniformities and depth profiles in materials and solar cells.,Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl., 24: 1200–1213 (2016). doi: 10.1002/pip.2774.
- Prakash Koirala, Dinesh Attygalle, PuruswottamAryal, Puja Pradhan, Jie Chen, Sylvain Marsillac, Andre S. Ferlauto, Nikolas J. Podraza, Robert W. Collins, Real time spectroscopic ellipsometry for analysis and control of thin film polycrystalline semiconductor deposition in photovoltaics., Thin Solid Films 571, 442-446 (2014)
- Fousiamol, M.M., Sithambaresan, M., Damodaran, K.K., Kurup, M.R.P., Syntheses, spectral aspects and biological studies of bromide and azide bridged box dimer copper (II) complexes of an NNO donor aroylhydrazone, InorganicaChimica Acta, 2020, 501, 119301,
- Asha, T.M., Sithambaresan, M., PrathapachandraKurup, M.R., Dioxidomolybdenum(VI) complexes chelated with N4-(3-methoxyphenyl)thiosemicarbazone as molybdenum(IV) precursors in oxygen atom transfer process and oxidation of styrene, Polyhedron, 2020
- Prahadeesh, N., Sithambaresan, M., Mathiventhan, U., A study on hydrogen peroxide scavenging activity and ferric reducing ability of simple coumarins, Emerging Science Journal, 2018.
- KapilrajNatkunarajah, KoneswaranMasilamani, Sithambaresan Maheswaran, AhilanSitpalan, D. A. S. Amarasinghe, Dinesh Attygalle, Application of alkali sensitive temporary coatings in concrete technology based on the pH variation – Review
- VenujahPratheep, KoneswaranMasilamani, Sithambaresan Maheswaran, AhilanSitpalan, D. A. S. Amarasinghe, Dinesh Attygalle, Preparation and properties of polymer- montmorillonite clay nanocomposites-A review
- KapilrajNatkunarajah, KoneswaranMasilamani, Sithambaresan Maheswaran, AhilanSitpalan, D. A. S. Amarasinghe, Dinesh Attygalle,Microstructures and its influence on the durability of concrete: Review
- VenujahPratheep, KoneswaranMasilamani, Sithambaresan Maheswaran, AhilanSitpalan, D. A. S. Amarasinghe, Dinesh Attygalle,Application of nanosilica in cement-based materials-A review
Name of the Awardee: Dr. M.A.S.R Senevirathna
Title of the Thesis: Physical & Photo Properties of 4,4’- Methylenebis (phenylisocyanate) and Polyteterahydrofuran based polyurethanes.
Award: PhD in Chemistry from University of Sri Jayawardenapura
International Trade and Capital Research Group
Name of the Research Group
International Trade and Capital Research Group
Brief Description of Overall Research
The major research area of interest of this group is related to International trade and capital flows. A range of empirical analysis with the application of the relevant theories and econometric models are entertained to reap outcome of the studies.
Academic Member (EUSL)
Dr.T.Bhavan, Department of Economics, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
Research Links.
Google Scholar:
Research Gate:
Scopus ID:57193626633
Research Grants
Postgraduate Research Students
MPhil (Master of Philosophy in Economics)
Title: Determinants of Internationalization and Export Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises of Food and Beverage Industry in Sri Lanka.
Title: The Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on Inbound Tourism in Sri Lanka.
Digitized Materials
Statistical tools
- Kuspiniya, K. and T.Bhavan (2020) “Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Sri Lanka”, Journal of Business Economics, 2(1), pp.20-34.
- Bhavan, T. (2020) “Is Corruption ‘Grease’ or ‘Sand’ in the Wheels of Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in South Asia?", Asian Development Policy Review, Vol.08 (03), pp.185-193.
- Bhavan, T.(2019) "Does Inbound Tourism Encourage Trade Deficit In Sri Lanka?", Asian Development Policy Review 7 (04), 253-260.
- Bhavan, T.(2017) " Human Capital as a Pushing Factor of Export: The Case of Four South Asian Economies, Asian Development Policy Review, Vol.05, No.04, pg 299-306
- Bhavan,T.(2017) “Export market diversification and export performance of Sri Lanka: a cointegration analysis ", Asian Journal of Empirical Research, Volume 7, Issue (4), Pages 75-83.
- Bhavan,T.(2016) "The Determinants of Export Performance: The Case of Sri Lanka", International Research Journal of Social Sciences, Volume 5, Issue (8), Pages 8-13.
- Bhavan, T. (2014) “Effectiveness of Foreign Aid in Facilitating Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from Four South Asian Countries”, Asian Economic and Financial Review, 4(12): pg.1770-1783
- Bhavan, T. (2013) “Policies and Effectiveness of Foreign Aid: The Case of Sri Lanka “, Asian Economic Financial Review, 3(3):363-376.
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