Recommendation Report of the Revised Curriculum to the Senate (Checklist for Curriculum Approval)
(Recommended at the 350th meeting of the Senate held on 22nd November, 2023) -
Guidelines for Conducting Continuous Assessments
(Recommended at the 339th meeting of the senate held on 19th October 2022.)
Output-based Research Awards for the Publications in Indexed Journals – 2022
Manual of Procedure on Conducting Examinations
(Recommended at the 336th Senate meeting held on 19.07.2022 and Approved at the 325th Council meeting held on 30.07.2022. The Effective Date of this manual is 1st of August 2022.)
Approval Process the Proposals for the New Degree Programmes
(Recommended at the 338th meeting of the senate held on 14th September 2022.)
(Recommended at the 338th Senate meeting held on 14.09.2022)
Examination and Evaluation Summary Sheet
(Recommended at the 337th Senate meeting held on 17.08.2022: To be implemented from October 2022)
Guidelines for Conducting Internal Reviews
(Recommended at the 337th Senate meeting held on 17.08.2022)
Evaluation Scheme for the Best Student Award in Extra Curricular Activities of EUSL.
(Recommended by 316th Senate held on 22.07.2020, and approved by 307th Council held on 29.08.2020)
- EUSL Research Policy (2020-2024) ( >> Research Council )
(Recommended by the Special Senate held on 31.12.2020, and approved by 312th Council held on 30.01.2021)- Appendix-1: Award of Excellence in Research with regard to Regional/National Significance.
- Appendix-2: Award of Excellence in Research and Innovation for Driving Global Impact.
- Appendix-3: Evaluation Scheme for Equipment Grant at EUSL.
- Appendix-4::Regulations Governing the Award of University Research
- Appendix-5: Terms of Reference for the Research Council
- Scheme of Award for Excellence in Teaching
(Recommended by 316th Senate held on 22.07.2020, and approved by 307th Council held on 29.08.2020) - Quality Assurance Code of Practice- Academic Programme Development
(Prepared by Prof. Uma Coomarasamy and approved by the 306th Senate of EUSL held on 19.06.2019) - Guidelines for Examination Paper Moderation
- Peer Evaluation Report
- Standard Abbreviations for Nomenclature of Academic Qualifications (QAC / Standard Abbreviations)
Policy on Student feedback on teaching and learning activities (Recommended by 348th Senate held on 20.09.2023)
Scorecard for FQACs and IQACs (Recommended by 348th Senate held on 20.09.2023)
Nomenclature of Academic Qualifications
Report for the Moderation of Examination Paper - Revised(PDF) (Recommended by 359th Senate held on 20.11.2024)
Report for the Moderation of Examination Paper - Revised(Word) (Recommended by 359th Senate held on 20.11.2024)
Guidelines for the Submission of SER for External Reviews (Recommended at the Special Meeting of the Senate held on 09.08.2024)
Monitoring, Evaluation and Revision of Curriculum (Recommended at the Special Meeting of the Senate held on 09.08.2024)
Regular Course Evaluation (Recommended at the Special Meeting of the Senate held on 09.08.2024)