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Center for Quality Assurance(CQA)

Terms of Reference of the Coordinating Committee of FQACs

  1. Guide the FQAC in adoption of relevant by- laws prescribed by the University for governance and management of the FQAC
  2. Guide the FQAC in promoting internalizing quality principles and dimensions prescribed by the UGC-QAC within the faculty- with respect the study programme management,curricular design and development, course design and development, teaching and learning, student support and services, assessments, and other allied functions and services,
  3. Guide the FQAC to design and implement regular internal quality reviews
  4. Review the EQA review (both institutional and study programme reviews) & IQA review reports and adopt action plans based on recommendations coming from such reports
  5. Guide the FQAC to implement quality enhance plans and monitor the progress of implementation of annual quality enhancement work plans, and
  6. Guide and assist the Coordinator/FQAC in executing his/her duties

(Adopted from QMEU, University Calendar, Eastern University, Sri Lanka)

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About us

The Eastern University, Sri Lanka, was established on the 01st of October 1986 by a University Order dated 26th September 1986 issued under Section 2 of the Universities Act No: 16 of 1978.

Contact Us


Eastern University, Sri Lanka Vantharumoolai,
Tel: +94 65-2240490,2240590
Fax: +94 65-2240730