Mohamed Rasheed Roshana

Lecturer (Probationary)
B.Sc. in Agriculture (Hons) Eastern University, Sri Lanka
M. Sc. in Agriculture Eastern University, Sri Lanka
M. Phil. in Biosystems Technology (Reading), South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
Phone: 774803833
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Mohamed Rasheed Roshana is a Lecturer (Probationary) attached to the Department of Biosystems Technology, Faculty of Technology, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. She received her B.Sc. in Agriculture (Hons) degree (special in Food Science and Technology) in December 2017 with First Class Honours at Eastern University, Sri Lanka with Prof. V. Arulnandhy Commendation Award - 2018 for the best performance in three years in Agricultural Biology. She has completed her M.Sc. in Agriculture in 2021 at Eastern University, Sri Lanka. Now, she is following M. Phil in Biosystems Technology at the South Eastern University of Sri Lanka. She served as a Temporary Demonstrator and a Research Assistant in the Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, and the Department of Biosystems Technology, Faculty of Technology, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka respectively from January 2018 to January 2022. Her research interest is in the field of Food Science and Technology. She has published over thirty research articles in Journals and Conference Proceedings at the National and International levels and received several academic merits awards during conferences. She also serves as a member of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS) and the Institute of Food Science and Technology (IFSTSL).
- Life Member in the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS)
- Associate Member in the Institute of Food Science and Technology (IFSTSL)
Links to Publications
- ORCID ID: - Google Scholar: - ResearchGate: -
Web of Science
ResearcherID: ABM-0066-2022
Journal Papers (Indexed):
- Mubarak, A. N. M., Musthapha Mufeeth, Roshana, M. R. and Kumara, A. D. N. T. (2022). Influence of Canopy Architecture and Light Extinction Properties in Determining Photosynthetic and Dry Matter Production of Two Elite Sri Lankan Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Cultivars. Journal of Agricultural Science, Sri Lanka. 17(1): 148-160.
- Roshana, M.R., Musthapha Mufeeth and Abdul Majeed, U.L. (2021). Formulation and Quality Assessment of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) Cordial with Xanthan Stabilizer. Ruhuna Journal of Science. 12(2): 84-96.
- Roshana, M. R., Mubarak Kaldeen. and Rifna Banu, A.R.F. (2020). Impact of Covid-19 Outbreak on Sri Lankan Economy. Journal of Critical Reviews. 7(14): 2124-2133.
Journal Papers (Peer Reviewed):
- Roshana, M. R. and Mahendran, T. (2022). Assessment of Knowledge and Practices regarding Iron Deficiency Anaemia among Pregnant Women in Kattankudy D.S. Division of Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka. Tropical Agricultural Research. 33(4): 386-395.
- Ishera, L. R., Mahendran, T. and Roshana, M. R. (2021). Evaluation of Storage Stability of Cookies made from Breadfruit Flour. Sri Lanka Journal of Technology. 2(2): 32-39.
- Ishera, L. R., Mahendran, T. and Roshana, M. R. (2021). Incorporating Breadfruit Flour to Prepare High-Quality Cookies with Health Benefits. Tropical Agricultural Research. 32(1): 114-123.
- Mufeeth, M, Mubarak, A.N.M., Ranaweera, G.K.M.M.K., Nusrathali, N., Roshana M.R., Rifna Banu, A.R.F. and Kumara, A.D.N.T. (2020). Characterization of Morphometric, Physiological and Biomass Production in Local Maize (Zea mays L.) Landraces of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Technology. 1(1): 26-34.
- Jeewen, K., Liyanage, T., Roshana, M. R. and Mahendran, T. (2020). Determination and Comparison of Caffeine and Other Chemical Constituents in Coffea arabica Varieties Grown in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Journal of Science 49(1): 151-158.
- Roshana, M. R. and Mahendran, T. (2019). Nutritional and Sensory Evaluation of Carrot Flour Incorporated Complementary Food Mixtures for Infants. Sri Lanka Journal of Food and Agriculture (SLJFA). 5(2): 27-32.
- Roshana, M. R. and Mahendran, T. (2019). Effect of Replacement of Wheat Flour with Sweet Potato Flour on Quality Characteristics of Muffins. Journal of the SLAAS. 2(1): 12-20.
- Inthuja, A., Roshana, M. R., Mahendran, T. and Anujaa, V. (2019). Quality Evaluation of Microwaved and Non-Microwaved Chakki atta Flour under Storage. Journal of Agriculture and Value Addition (JAVA). 2(1): 31-42.
- Inthuja, A., Anujaa, V., Mahendran, T. and Roshana, M. R. (2018). Effect of Microwave Heating on the Quality and Shelf Life of Whole Grain Wheat Flour under Air-Conditioned Storage. Journal of Science, EUSL. 9(2): 39-53.
- Roshana, M. R. and Mahendran, T. (2018). Nutritional Assessment of Pre-School Children of Aged between 3-5 Years in Kattankudy D.S. Division of Batticaloa District. Journal of the SLAAS. 1(1): 13-20.
- Gayathiri, S., Mahendran, T. and Roshana, M. R. (2018). Development and Quality Evaluation of Ready to Serve (RTS) Functional Beverage Prepared from Bael (Aegle marmelos L.) Fruit. Journal of Science EUSL. 9(1): 1-11.
- Gayathiri, S., Mahendran, T. and Roshana, M. R. (2018). Evaluation of Quality Attributes during Storage of Ready to Serve (RTS) Beverage Prepared from Bael Fruit. International Journal of Research Publications. 3(1): 91-97.
Full Paper in Proceeding:
- Roshana, M. R., Musthapha Mufeeth, Rifna Banu, A. R. F., Nusrathali, N. and Ranaweera, G.K.M.M.K. (2021). Challenges and Constraints for Seed Paddy Farmers: A Case Study of the Ampara District, Sri Lanka. International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2021), Faculty of Technology, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Oluvil. 27th July 2021.
- Roshana, M. R. and Nuskiya, M. H. M. (2020). Challenges and Opportunities of COVID-19 Outbreak on the Sri Lankan Agriculture and Food Sector. 10th International Online Conference on Impact of COVID-19 on Local and Global Economy and Recovery Strategies, Sri Sairam Group of Institutions, India. 16th and 17th June 2020.
- Roshana, M. R. and Mahendran, T. (2018). Storage Evaluation of Nutritionally Enriched Weaning Food for Infants. 4th Jaffna University International Research Conference (JUICe2018), University of Jaffna. 27th and 28th September 2018.
Extended Abstract in Proceeding:
- Chathuranga, H. G. S., Senarathna, B. M. K., Roshana M. R. and Mahendran, T. (2022). Evaluation of Physico-Chemical and Milling Properties of Selected Paddy Varieties in Sri Lanka. 4th International Conference of Agricultural Sciences -2022, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. 26th and 27th January 2022.
Abstracts in Proceeding:
- Roshana, M. R. and Mahendran, T. (2022). Awareness of anaemia and educational level of pregnant women: A baseline assessment at Kattankudy in Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka. at the 2nd International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2022) at the Faculty of Technology, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka on 24th August 2022.
- Roshana, M. R. and Mahendran, T. (2022). Associated factors of anaemia among pregnant women attending antenatal care clinic at Kattankudy D.S. Division, Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka. 6th International Research Conference of Uva Wellassa University, IRCUWU 2022. 28th-29th July 2022.
- Roshana, M. R. and Mahendran, T. (2021). Assessment of Knowledge and Practices regarding Iron Deficiency Anaemia among Pregnant Women in Kattankudy D.S. Division of the Batticaloa District. 33rd Annual Congress of the Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya. 16th- 17th November 2021.
- Roshana, M. R., Nihab, A. M. and Rifna Banu, A. R. F. (2020). Status of Hotel Industry in Sri Lanka during COVID-19 Pandemic & Strategic Plan to Recover the Industry. 6th International Tourism Research Conference and Tourism Leader’s Summit, Tourism Study Programs, Department of Economics, University of Colombo. 27th September 2020.
- Nuskiya, M. H. M., Roshana, M. R. and Mubarak Kaldeen. (2020). Promoting food safety measures to attain sustainability in the Sri Lankan hotel industry during & after Covid-19 crisis. 6th International Tourism Research Conference and Tourism Leader’s Summit, Tourism Study Programs, Department of Economics, University of Colombo. 27th September 2020.
- Roshana, M. R. and Nuskiya, M. H. M. (2019). Sustainable Tourism Development and Food Security in Eastern Region of Sri Lanka. 5th International Tourism Research Conference and Tourism Leader’s Summit-Colombo, Sri Lanka. 28th September 2019.
- Mufeeth, M. M., Mubarak Kaldeen, and Roshana, M. R. (2019). Customer Satisfaction on Present Eco-tourism Practices in South East Region of Sri Lanka. 5th International Tourism Research Conference and Tourism Leader’s Summit-Colombo, Sri Lanka. 28th September 2019.
- Roshana, M. R., Mahendran, T. and Chathuranga, H. G. S. (2019). Effect of Replacement of Wheat Flour with Sweet Potato Flour on Quality Characteristics of Muffins. International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment 2019, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. 28th February 2019.
- Roshana, M. R. and Mahendran, T. (2018). Development and Quality Evaluation of Cereal-Legume Based Carrot Flour Incorporated Infant Complementary Food. SLCARP 2nd International Agricultural Research Symposium. 13-14th August 2018.
- Roshana, M. R. and Mahendran, T. (2018). Development and Quality Assessment of Cereal-based Complementary Food Enriched with Germinated Green Gram and Carrot Flour. 2nd International Research Symposium of Uwa Wellasa University. 1st - 2nd February 2018.
Research projects
- Development and Quality Evaluation of Nutritionally Enriched Complementary Foods for Infants (2017)
- Assessment of Knowledge and Practices among Pregnant Women to Prevent the Iron Deficiency Anaemia in Kattankudy D.S. Division of the Batticaloa District (2020-2021)
- Development of Nutritionally Enriched and Value-Added Food Products with the Utilization of Sri Lankan Maize Landrace (Zea mays L.) As Base Material (2022 up to date)
- Fundamentals of Food and Nutrition
- Postharvest Technology of Agricultural Products
- Processing Technology of Crop Commodities
- V. Arulnandhy Commendation Award 2018 for the best performance in three years in Agricultural Biology, (2011/2012 Batch), Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Best Poster Award of the Session on Stakeholder Behaviour on Food Quality and Safety at the 33rd Annual Congress, PGIA, the University of Peradeniya on 17th November 2021.
- Best Research Paper in 10th International Online Conference on Impact of COVID-19 on Local and Global Economy and Recovery Strategies on 16-17th June 2020.
- Best Poster Presenter in Plenary-1 Food Science and Technology session in 2nd International Research Symposium Uva Wellasa University-2018 on 1st-2nd Feb 2018.
Positions Held
- Coordinator of Centre for Industry Community Linkage, Faculty of Technology, EUSL
- Member of the Faculty Curriculum Development Committee
- Member - SER Writing Team
- Member of Publication Committee in the Annual Research Session 2022, FOT, EUSL
- Track Chair - Agriculture and Food Technology in the Annual Research Session 2022, FOT, EUSL