Mrs. Vanitha Prasannath

Mrs. Vanitha Prasannath
B.Sc. (Hons) in Agricultural Technology and Management, Specialization Area: Agricultural Economics and Business Management, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics Post Graduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
PhD (Reading) in Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship The University of Queensland, Australia
Lecturer (Prob)
Telephone: 077 235 7384
Educational Qualifications:
Qualification |
Specialization |
Awarding institution |
Year |
PhD |
Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship |
School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Faculty of Science, The University of Queensland |
Reading |
Certificate |
Teaching in Higher education |
Staff Development Center, EUSL |
2018 |
M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics |
Agricultural Economics (GPA of 3.86 out of 4.00) |
Post Graduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka |
2013 |
B.Sc. (Hons) in Agricultural Technology and Management |
Agricultural Economics and Business Management (First Class with a gold medal for the best performance in Agricultural Economics and Business Management) |
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka |
2010 |
Working Experience:
- Lecturer (Probationary) – From 1/09/2016 to date
- Assistant Registrar – From 21/07/2014 to 31/08/2016
- Temporary Demonstrator – From 01/10/2010 to 16/10/2011
Links to Publications
Journal Papers:
- Sivapathasundaram, V. and Bogahawatte, C. (2012). Forecasting of Paddy Production in Sri Lanka: A Time Series Analysis using ARIMA Model. Tropical Agricultural Research, 24(1): 21-30. DOI:
- Prasannath, V. (2015). Trends and Developments in Sri Lanka’s Livestock Industry. Journal for Studies in Management and Planning, 1(4): 46-55.Available at:
- Prasannath, V. (2015). Utilization of Library Resources by students at Secondary Schools in Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka. International Journal of Research and Review, 2(11): 653-655.Available at:
- Prasannath, Vanitha. (2018). Status of Principal Agricultural Crops in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Research Publications, 4(1) 1-5.Available at: or
- Prasannath, Vanitha. (2018). Position of Potato Sector: Evidence from Sri Lanka. International Journal of Research Publications, 5(2) 1-7.Available at:
- Prasannath, Vanitha. (2019). Investigation of Importance of the Agriculture Sector in Sri Lanka. Scholars of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, 4(1) 186-189. Available at: 10.21276/sjavs.2019.6.8.2 or
- Prasannath, Vanitha. (2020). Export Performance of Coconut Sector of Sri Lanka. South Asian Journal of Social Studies and Economics, 6(3): 35-43. Available at:
Full papers published in Research Conference Proceedings
- Prasannath, V. (2013). Degree of Market Orientation and Sustainability of Micro Enterprise Operators – Case Study in Batticaloa District. Proceedings of the Second Annual Research Conference 2013, Faculty of Management and Commerce, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka. 17th January 2014. pp. 1-8.Available at:
- Prasannath, V. (2013). Trends in Ageing Population and Its consequences in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Second Annual Research Conference 2013, Faculty of Management and Commerce, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka. 17th January 2014. pp. 100-104.Available at:
- Prasannath, V. (2017). Analysis of Factors that Motivate Small Farmers towards Agricultural Entrepreneurship Activities. Proceedings of the 07th International Research Symposium – 2017, Southeastern University of Sri Lanka.7th - 8th of December 2017. pp. 541-547.Available at:
- Prasannath, K., Prasannath, V. and Sinthuja, S. (2017). Study on Risk Identification and Pesticide Usage in Paddy Cultivation in Alayadivembu Divisional Secretariat Division of Ampara District, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agriculture and Forestry 2017. The International Institute of Knowledge Management (TIIKM), Sri Lanka. 24th & 25th August 2017. 3: 40-45.Available at:
- Prasannath, V. (2021) Entrepreneurial intention and its antecedents among states university students in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Vavuniya University International Research Conference. 15, October 2021. p. 236-240. Available at:
Abstracts / Extended Abstracts published/presented in Research Conferences
- Sivapathasundaram, V. and Weerahewa, J. (2010). Effects of Socioeconomic Factors of the Households on Food Production in Home Gardens in Kandy District. Proceedings of the First Annual Research Session, Department of Agricultural Economics and Business Management, University of Peradeniya. 10th September 2010. p. 55.
- Sivapathasundaram, V. and Weerahewa, J. (2011). An analysis of Effects of Socioeconomic Characteristics of Households on Food Production in Home Garden Systems in Kandy, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Forestry and Environment Symposium, Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka. 28th – 29th October 2011. p. 61.
- Sivapathasundaram, V. (2011). An Analysis of Effects of the Fertilizer Subsidy on Paddy-Rice Sector of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Vavuniya Campus Annual Research Sessions, Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. 11th November 2011. p. 07.
- Sivapathasundaram, V. (2012). Paddy Production Pattern and Future Forecasting of Batticaloa District: A Time Series Analysis. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium, Southeastern University of Sri Lanka. 25th – 27th May 2012. pp. 197 – 199.
- Prasannath, V. and Prasannath, K. (2013). Assessment on the Agrochemical Usage of Vegetable Farmers in Kaluthavalai, Batticaloa District. Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Research Forum, Sri Lanka Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA). 20th December, 2013. p. 12.
- Prasannath, V. (2013). Analysis of Long Term Trends in Maize production of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Young Scientists Forum Symposium 2013, National Science and Technology Commission, Colombo. 7th February 2014. pp. 147-150.
- Prasannath, V. (2014). Role of Parents in Alleviating Child Malnutrition: Evidence from Manmunai North DS Division in Batticaloa District. Proceedings of the Third International Conference, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. 4th – 5th December 2014. p. 13.
- Prasannath, V. and Prasannath, K. (2015). Socio-economic and Marketing Means of Fishermen in Batticaloa Lagoon in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA) Scientific Sessions 2015. NARA, Sri Lanka. 09th June, 2015. pp. 162-166.
- Prasannath, K., Prasannath, V. and Mahendran S. (2015). Trends in Use and Import of Agricultural Synthetic Pesticides in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the National Symposium on Agriculture 2015. Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. 05th August, 2015. pp. 8-10.
- Prasannath, V. (2015). Impact of Agricultural Exports to Economic Growth in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the National Symposium on Agriculture 2015. Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. 05th August, 2015. pp. 56-60.
- Prasannath, V. (2017). Trends in Production of Agricultural Principal Crops in Sri Lanka and its contribution to the GDP. Proceedings of the 10th International Research Conference 2017. General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka. 03rd & 04th August 2017. p. 57.
- Prasannath, V. (2018). Tendencies in Production, Imports and Per Capita Availability of Potato and Its Challenges in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the International Research Symposium of Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka. 1-2, February 2018. p. 134.
- Prasannath, V., Adhikari, R., & Gronum, S. (2021). Does government support for Agri-SMEs pay off equally? Evidence from Sri Lankan exporter Agri-SMEs. In International Food Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA) Conference 2021. Virtual Conference, 21-25 June 2021
- Prasannath, V., Adhikari, R., & Gronum, S. (2022). Government policies, entrepreneurial orientation, and firms' performance: A systematic literature review. In Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange (ACERE) Conference 2022. Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, 08-11 February 2022.
- Prasannath, V., Adhikari, R., & Gronum, S. (2022). What is Entrepreneurial Orientation? Policy implementation issues when academic, SME owner and government perceptions misalign. In TROPAG International Agriculture Conference 2022. Brisbane, Australia, 31 October-02 November 2022
- Prasannath, V., Gronum, S., & Adhikari, R. (2023). The importance of entrepreneurial orientation in unlocking the performance benefits of government support for Sri Lankan agricultural SME exporters. In Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange (ACERE) Conference 2023. The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 08-10 February 2023
- Prasannath, V., Adhikari, R., & Gronum, S. (2023). The impact of agri-exporters' perception of institutional environment on their network breadth and entrepreneurial orientation: Sri Lankan agrifood industry. In International Food Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA) Conference 2023. Christchurch, Newzealand, 17-20 June 2023
Book Publications:
- Vanitha Prasannath. (2012). Concepts in Organic Agriculture. ISBN 978-955-54301-0-4
- Vanitha Prasannath. (2012). Forage Production and Conservation. ISBN 978-955-54301-1-1
- Vanitha Prasannath. (2012). General Certificate Examination (Advanced Level) Agricultural Science- Agricultural Economics. ISBN 978-955-54301-2-8
Research Projects
- Impact of entrepreneurship and government support policies on exporter agri-SMEs’ performance
- Assessing the cashew value chain in Sri Lanka
Research interests:
- Agribusiness management
- Agrientrepreneurship
- Agricultural economics
- Introduction to Economics
- Introduction to Entrepreneurship
- Agribusiness Management
- Economic Development & Growth
- Agro-Industrial Development
- Business Plan Development
- Marketing for Small and Medium Enterprises
- International Trade
- People's Choice Award, School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 2020 SAFS virtual 3MT Competition
- UQ Research Training Tuition Fees Offset Scholarship
- UQ Research Training Stipend Scholarship
- UQ Research Training Career Development Scholarship
- Professor T. Jogaratnam Gold Medal for the best performance in Agricultural Economics and Business Management in the B.Sc. Agricultural Technology and Management Degree Program.
Positions Held
- Student Counsellor 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
- Elected member of Faculty representative for the Faculty Board of Technology 2017-2019
- Resource person for the workshops conducted for the Advanced Level Technology stream students held at the Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, in 2018
- Session coordinator of the 1st International Symposium on Agriculture 2017, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, held on 6th October 2017
- Editorial Assistant for the preparation of the University Calendar and Management Guide of Eastern University, Sri Lanka