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Successful completion of the Booster Grant Project


Finally, we have reached the end of our journey with the successful completion of the Closing Ceremony of the Booster Grant Project- Eastern University, Sri Lanka, on July 2nd, 2024. Here are the highlights:

The ceremony, organized jointly by the Department of Geography and the Center for Industry and Community Linkages (CICL) at Eastern University Sri Lanka, was graced by Prof. V. Kanagasingam as the chief guest. Special guests included Additional District Secretary Mrs. S. Srikanth and Dr. T. Prabahararan, Deputy Vice Chancellor of Eastern University Sri Lanka. The event was also honored by distinguished guests such as Prof. K. Arulanandem, Director of CICL, along with professors, deans, heads of departments, directors, lecturers, and students. Notably, the funding team from Asia-Pacific Hub, Mr. S. Suthakaran - the project initiator, facilitators from other universities and students joined remotely via Zoom.

The program commenced with the traditional oil lamp lighting ceremony, followed by a warm welcome and presidential address by Mrs. T. Sachithanantham, Head of the Department of Geography. This was followed by an inaugural speech from Prof. K. Arulanandem, Director of CICL, and a presentation titled "Journey of Booster Grant Project, Sri Lanka" by Prof. K. Rajendram, Project Lead.

Mr. Harry Mahardhika Machmud, Senior Manager of the Program for Asia Pacific, Asia-Pacific Hub, delivered a special speech, after which Mr. S. Suthakaran launched the GeoMapVista website, with Mr. Hajeevan Selvanayagam, the website's designer, providing project insights.

Then, Ms. S. Sajeevini, Regional Ambassador for Asia-Pacific at YouthMappers, shared her experiences.

Next, we presented the "View of the OSM Training," a video prepared by Mr. S. Suluxan, a student from the Department of Geography at Eastern University Sri Lanka. This video includes audio feedback from university staff and students who participated in the OSM training under the Booster Grant Project.

Following that, the highlight of the event was we launched several maps. This included the preparation and launch of 39 GN maps for EravurPattu DSD and 5 nearby GN maps for selected university areas. In addition to our planned work, we also completed maps for Eastern University, Sri Lanka, covering its five branches and historically significant locations. The EPDSD-based maps were handed over to the Additional GA, Batticaloa, by the Vice Chancellor of EUSL. The ancient historically significant map was handed over to the Vice Chancellor of EUSL by the Project Coordinator. Lastly, the model village of EUSL, Savukkadi, was handed over to the Director of CICL by the Project Lead.

Following that, Additional GA Batticaloa delivered an address as a special guest, expressing appreciation for our work and extending best wishes to everyone.

The subsequent event was the launch of the "Magazine of Global Lens," featuring significant OSM-based content. Additionally, a prepared newsletter documenting our journey was launched by the Vice Chancellor of EUSL. Mrs. V. Selvanayagam then presented a copy of the magazine to the Vice Chancellor of EUSL.

Chief Guest Prof. V. Kanagasingam, Vice Chancellor of EUSL, emphasized the project's significance in the university's history and thanked key contributors, including Mr. S. Suthakaran, Mrs. T. Sachithanantham, Prof. K. Rajendram, Prof. K. Arulanandem, and Research Assistant Ms. Sindhuja Sriram. He acknowledged the support from Asia-Pacific Hub and expressed gratitude for their assistance.

The ceremony included honors for Vice Chancellor of EUSL, Additional District Secretary of Batticaloa, Deputy Vice Chancellor of EUSL, Director of CICL, and the Project Coordinator. Regional Ambassador for YouthMappers chapter was also honored.

The awarding session recognized outstanding student contributors across various categories:

High Contributors:

A. HamdhaBanu (EUSL)
W.M. Thishara Weerakoon (UOSJ)
Rajika Dissanayaka (UOSJ)

Best Contributor from Universities:

M.A.F. Reesha (SEUSL)
B.M.A. Dananjith (Rajarata University)
B.S.M.D.S. Basnayaka (UOK)
W.A.N. Dilshani Thilakaratna (UOSJ)
Pramodya T.M. (UOS)
R. Tharunithaa (EUSL)

Best Mapper:

A. HamdhBanu (EUSL)
S. Pavatharani (EUSL)
M.S.H. Hana

Finally, the closing ceremony concluded with a vote of thank by Miss.Sindhuja Sriram, Research Assistant, BGP.

And also the entire program was hosted by Miss.Sindhuja Sriram, Research Assistant, BGP, EUSL.

With this, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the pillars who contributed to the success of our project:

Firstly, to AP-HUB and the donors, I express my special thanks. Their unwavering support was our greatest strength throughout our journey. Their flexibility, understanding, and support were truly commendable. Thank you to each and every member of the AP-HUB team, especially Mikko Tamura, Harry Mahardhika Machmud , Melai Opeña-Basilio and Dana De Guzman.

Our Vice Chancellor, Prof. V. Kanagasingam, deserves special mention as he consistently provided solutions to every challenge we faced. His unwavering support and guidance were instrumental in our success. Without his leadership, we would not be here today. Thank you sincerely.

I also extend my gratitude to our special guest, AGA Batticaloa, whose presence graced our occasion and whose appreciation added to the glow of our success. Thank you ma’am.

To the Deputy Vice Chancellor of EUSL, thank you for your steadfast support and guidance throughout our journey. Your leadership in navigating tough decisions was invaluable. Thank you, sir.

Mr. S. Suthakaran, the initiator of this project, laid a solid foundation for our endeavor. Despite being in Japan for his higher studies, he supported us at every step, guiding us on our path forward, shaping our work plans, and fostering collaborations with universities, government sectors, and community stakeholders. His guidance was pivotal, and I extend my heartfelt thanks to him.

Mrs. T. Sachithanantham, who took on the project amidst challenges, deserves immense appreciation. Despite her workload as Head of the Department of Geography, she dedicated herself to ensuring the success of every event. Her guidance and support were invaluable, and we are incredibly grateful for her contribution as coordinator.

Prof. K. Rajendram, our Project Lead, consistently supported us with his guidance and unwavering commitment. He tackled challenges head-on and provided solutions that elevated our project. Thank you, sir.

I extend my thanks to the Registrar, Bursar, and Administrative staff whose crucial role in managing our project's financial aspects ensured its smooth execution. Your support was indispensable, and I sincerely thank you.

To the facilitators from other universities - Prof. Saman Koswatte from Sabaragamuwa University, Prof. R.M.K. Ratnayake from University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Prof. P.S. Nuwan Abeywardana and Mr. Chanaka Adhipaththu from Rajarata University, Mr. K. Nijamir and Dr. I.L.M. Zahir from South Eastern University, Prof. Lal Mervin Dharmasiri and Senior Lecturer Sampath Arunashantha from University of Kelaniya - I extend my heartfelt thanks. Your support and coordination facilitated the collaboration among national universities, making our project possible. Thank you so much.

I appreciate the support of our Resource Persons, Dr. I.L.M. Zahir and Mr. Anuradha, whose efforts enabled OSM basic training for all participants. Thank you for your invaluable support.

Special thanks to Senior Lecturer Mrs. V. Selvanayagam and Lecturer Mr. V. Pathmanandakumar from the Department of Geography for guiding us through project activities and their valuable support throughout the magazine. Thank you both.

To Assistant Lecturers Ms. Tharunithaa Ragunathan and Mr. S. Sriluxan, thank you for your consistent support throughout the project.

Lastly, thank you to all the academic and non-academic staff of the university. Special thanks to Mr. Hajeevan Selvanayagam for web page design and preparation, Mr. A.B. Amalarajan from the Department of Geography for his support, and Ligarin outschoorn, Receptionist at EUSL with A.R.Akram, student, Department of Geography,  EUSL and the team for technical support throughout our event.

And of course, the biggest support came from the students of the Department of Geography. Thank you all for your dedication and hard work.

Miss.Sindhuja Sriram @ Sindhu Sriram 
Research Assistant,
Booster Grant Project,
Eastern University, Sri Lanka.

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About us

The Eastern University, Sri Lanka, was established on the 01st of October 1986 by a University Order dated 26th September 1986 issued under Section 2 of the Universities Act No: 16 of 1978.

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