
Lecturer (Probationary)
Lecturer (Probationary)
B.Sc. (Hons) in Agriculture, Specialization Area: Agricultural Biology, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka
MPhil – Plant Breeding and Genetics, University Of Ruhuna, Ph.D. (Reading, Univesity of Ruhuna)
Ph.D. Reading, University of Ruhuna
Links to Publications
Journal papers (Science citation index expanded)
- Pushpakumari W.H.D.U., Senanayeka G., and Geekiyanage S., (2016). Photoperiod driven days to flowering variation affects vegetative growth and yield in Sri Lankan traditional rice (Oryza sativa. L) Ma wee, Pakistan Journal of Botany, 49(3): 945-954
Peer-reviewed journal papers
- Pushpakumari W.H.D.U. and Geekiyanage S., (2014). Yield potential of Medicinally Important Sri Lankan Traditional Rice, Sri Lanka Journal of Indigenous Medicine (SLJIM): 4 (2): 309-312
- Pushpakumari W.H.D.U , Geekiyanage S , (2017 ) " The Effect of Days to Flowering on Yield Components of Sri Lankan Rice ORYZA Sativa L " , International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) , pp. 29-31, Volume-5, Issue-3
- Rathnathunga E.U.U, Pushpakumari W.H.D.U, Padukkage P.D.C, Dissanayake, N, Fernando K, Rathnasiri P.W, SenaweeraS ,Senanayake G ,Geekiyanage S.(2014) Handbook on Varietal Diversity of Sri Lankan Traditional Rice Oryza sativa, Volume I, Team of NRC Research Project 12-129, Publisher: National Research Council (NRC), ISBN 978-955-0063-01-1
- Padukkage P.D.C, Rathnathunga E.U.U, Pushpakumari W.H.D.U, ,Dissanayake, N, Fernando K, Rathnasiri P.W, SenaweeraS ,Senanayake G ,Geekiyanage S.(2015) Handbook on Varietal Diversity of Sri Lankan Traditional Rice Oryza sativa, Volume II, Team of NRC Research Project 12-129, Publisher: National Research Council (NRC),ISBN 978-955-0263-04-2
- PushpakumariW.H.D.U,Rathnathunga E.U.U, , Padukkage P.D.C, Dissanayake, N, Fernando K, Rathnasiri P.W, SenaweeraS ,Senanayake G ,Geekiyanage S.(2016) Handbook on Varietal Diversity of Sri Lankan Traditional Rice Oryza sativa, Volume III ,Team of NRC Research Project 12-129, ISBN 978-955-0263-05-9
Proceedings papers
- De Silva MSDL, Pushpakumari WHDU and Madushanka RMA., (2016). Identification of Problem Weeds in St.Coombs Tea Estate, Thalawakalle , Proceedings of the international research Symposium , Uwa Wellassa University, ISBN 978-955-0481-14-9
Publication Links
Research Interest
- Manipulation of flowering time of Rice
- Seasonal Sensitivity of crops
- General Biology
- Fundamentals of Molecular Biology
- Basic Statistics
- Intergrating Farming System
- Winning the Cash Prize for the paper Published in indexed Journal from Mphil Degree (2020), Faculty of Graduate Studies , University of Ruhuna
- Best presenter and best paper Award (2017). ISERD - 178th International Conference on Environment and Natural Science (ICENS), 5th-6th May in Bangkok, Thailand
- International travel grant from National Science Foundation (2017)
- Selected for Three minute Thesis Competition organized by Sri Lanka Academy of Young Scientists and National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka (2017)
- Merit award for the best presentation Fifth Young Scientist Forum, National Science and Technology Commission, Sri Lanka. (2016)
- Best Presentation Award of the session. Second International conference on Agriculture and Forestry, ICOAF, Colombo (2015).
Positions Held
- Secretary of Extension society, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka (2012 – 2013)
- Member of Tea Research Institute Sports club (2016- August ,2017)
- Member of Biology Scholars’ forum, Department of Agricultural Biology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna (2014-2016)
- Member of the Association of Natural Resource Conservation, Faculty of Agriculture,
- University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka (2009-2014)
- Academic sub warden Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, (2014-2015)
- Secretary – Sewa Vanitha Unit , Tea Research Institute , Thalawakalle (2017)
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