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Introduction to Career Guidance on Orientation Programme - FSC

Presented by: Career Guidance Unit, EUSL.

Date: 20.01.2017

Venue: Lecture Theatre, Department of Zoology, EUSL.

Target Group: Freshers of Academic Year 2015/2016 of Faculty of Science, EUSL 

Benefits of Programme: Giving awareness to choose the preferred career and the services offered by CGU.

Resource Person:
1. Dr. P. Elango
Career Guidance Unit, EUSL.

Introduction to Career Guidance on Orientation Programme - FHCS

Presented by: Career Guidance Unit, EUSL.

Date: 30.11.2016

Venue: Lecture Theatre, Faculty of Health-Care Sciences, EUSL.

Target Group: M.B.B.S - 11th Batch (Academic Year 2015/2016) of Faculty of Health-Care Sciences, EUSL. 

Benefits of Programme : Giving awareness to choose the preferred career and the services offered by CGU.

Resource Person:
1. Dr. P. Elango
Career Guidance Unit, EUSL.

Guest Lecture on Emotion Coaching & Students Counselling

Presented by: Career Guidance Unit, EUSL.

Target Group: Fresher - 2014/2015 Batch of Faculties of Applied Science and Communication & Business Studies, Trincomalee Campus, EUSL.

Benefit to be expected: This programme explored the perceptions of undergraduates regarding the benefits of counseling, their willingness to seek counseling and specifically their willingness to engage in counseling relevant to relationship concerns.

Creative Awareness on Employment Opportunities in Hospitality and Tourism

Organized by: National Human Resources Development Council of Sri Lanka, functioning under Ministry of National Policies and Economics Affairs.

Collaboration with: Career Guidance Unit, EUSL.

Benefit to be expected: Expect to monitor and promote the delivery of the skills and employees in the tourism sector and also provide information to job seekers about the employment scope of the tourism industry in Eastern Province.

Guest Lecture on Your Career and Your Value

Presented by: Career Guidance Unit, EUSL.

Benefit to be expect: Enhancing individual and team performance, skills improvement takes place in the areas of teamwork, communication, time management, motivation, change and personal development.

Target Group: Fresher - 2014/2015 Batch of Faculties of Applied Science and Communication & Business Studies, Trincomalee Campus, EUSL.

Guest Lecture on How to co-op up with stress/ difficult situations

Presented by: Career Guidance Unit, EUSL.

Benefit to be expected: Try to build stress-reducing activities into life, such as exercise, relaxation and hobbies, become aware of your own strengths, weaknesses and needs make it a priority to get plenty of support rather than trying to cope alone.

Target Group: 3rd year / 2nd-semester Undergraduates of the Faculty of Science, EUSL.

Resource Person:
Dr. S.Sivachelven
University Medical Officer,

You are Amazing - Career Guidance Programme

Organized by: Department of Manpower and Employment, Sri Lanka.

Patronage by: District Secretariat, Batticaloa.

Collaboration with: Career Guidance Unit, EUSL.

Target Group: 03rd year / Final year 40 undergraduates.10 participants from each Faculty, Faculties of Science, Agriculture, Commerce and Management and Arts & Culture, EUSL.

Resource Persons:
01. Mr. N.Logeshwaran
Former Dean,
Faculty of Commerce and Management, EUSL.

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The Eastern University, Sri Lanka, was established on the 01st of October 1986 by a University Order dated 26th September 1986 issued under Section 2 of the Universities Act No: 16 of 1978.

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