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Faculty Research Publications

Faculty of Agriculture

collection of published abstracts   

Collection of Published Research Abstracts (Agricultural Engineering) 2014 - Volume - 01

The “Collection of Published Research Abstracts- (Volume 1)” is a collected set of research findings carried out by the Department of Agricultural Engineering in the fields of Environmental conservation engineering, Irrigation and Water management, Postharvest technology, Solid waste management, Water quality and treatment and Waste water management. The researches were carried out with the collaboration of the Department staff and students locally and internationally. The publication included the researches which were conducted in the period of 1993-2012. The Collection of Published Research Abstracts will be a continuous publication by the Department of Agricultural Engineering. The publication will give an overview of the research findings in the field of Agricultural Engineering to the readers as a guide to develop further research ideas. Each abstract contains the source and year of publication and the author details for the particular research. This will help the readers to get more details about the research especially by seeking the source. The research findings are published in the form of abstracts to disseminate the research knowledge to the students and researches as well as to the community.


Faculty Journal

AGRIEAST publishes research information of broad practical significance pertaining to both tropical and subtropical Agriculture. The journal has a wide coverage of subject area relevant to Agriculture which include crop genetic resources, crop improvement, crop protection, plant physiology, tissue culture, biotechnology, ecology, environment, agro forestry, post harvest technology, food science and technology, food engineering, farm power and machinery, irrigation and water management, remote sensing and GIS, solid and waste water treatment, soil science, soil and moisture conservation engineering, cropping and farming system, horticulture, agricultural economics, extension, livestock production and agrostology, ruminants and non ruminants, breeding of farm animals, etc.


 Faculty Newsletters  

 Newsletter 2023-1_page-0001_0.jpg

Monographs    monographs

Faculty of Arts & Culture


Faculty Journal

The Faculty publishes a referred Journal annually is titled “NEITHAL” (நெய்தல்). Objective of the Journal is prompt younger academic in the faculty.



veli  puviaruvi  educare 

 Student Union
Faculty of Arts & Culture

Geography Society
Faculty of Arts & Culture 

Department of Education
Faculty of Arts & Culture 


Faculty of Commerce & Management


Journal of Business Studies (JBS)


Journal of Business Studies (JBS) is a double-blind peer reviewed online open access journal that is published biannually by the Faculty of Commerce and Management, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. The JBS is providing best platform to the researchers worldwide to disseminate their latest findings. The scope of JBS includes in the field of Management, Commerce and Economics.


coormai Coormai (கூர்மை)
Department of Economics
leader2013 Leader
Department of Management
f-thedal-4-1.jpg தேடல்(Thedal)
Department of Commerce

Faculty of Science

 Faculty Journal  

Journal of Science

Journal of Science (JSc), Eastern University, Sri Lanka (EUSL) is published by the Faculty of Science since 2000. JSc, EUSL accepts scholarly research articles across a broad spectrum of pure and applied sciences. The articles submitted to the JSc are peer reviewed by experts in relevant areas around the world. The JSc uniquely addresses regional and national interest.


About us

The Eastern University, Sri Lanka, was established on the 01st of October 1986 by a University Order dated 26th September 1986 issued under Section 2 of the Universities Act No: 16 of 1978.

Contact Us


Eastern University, Sri Lanka Vantharumoolai,
Tel: +94 65-2240490,2240590
Fax: +94 65-2240730