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Establishing an Engineering Faculty at the EUSL

eng2_0.jpg The Eastern University, Sri Lanka initiated actions to establish an Engineering Faculty. The Committee, appointed by the Council of the Eastern University, Sri Lanka (EUSL) to carry out the initial works related to establishing the said Faculty at the EUSL, has recently met under the chairmanship of Prof. V. Kanagasingam / Vice-Chancellor. The Committee noted that the proposed faculty will make an immense contribution to the advancement of the nation, and the Eastern Province in particular. The Committee further felt the need for offering traditional as well as new or modern fields of study in Engineering in order to provide better higher education opportunities for students and to stay competitive among prospective students. The experts in the field of engineering are invited to take part in the commencement of this faculty at the EUSL. All those who are interested in this initiative are requested to register their intention by providing their detail via this link


Prof. V. Kanagasingam
Eastern University, Sri Lanka


The next "SLUG" (Sri Lankan Universities Games) will be held at the EUSL in 2022.

The AGM of the "Sri Lanka Universities Sports Association (SLUSA) was held at the EUSL on 23.02.2020 and Dr. (Mrs.) Chandrakantha Mahendranathan has been selected as the new President of SLUSA at this AGM. The next "SLUG" (Sri Lankan Universities Games) will be held at the EUSL in 2022.

AS per that Mrs. Rohini Antony Puvanasingham, the Director of Physical Education, EUSL has been selected as the Secretary of the SLUSA. 



About us

The Eastern University, Sri Lanka, was established on the 01st of October 1986 by a University Order dated 26th September 1986 issued under Section 2 of the Universities Act No: 16 of 1978.

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Eastern University, Sri Lanka Vantharumoolai,
Tel: +94 65-2240490,2240590
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