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Eastern University Student participated the JENESYS FY2017 programme in Japan

Miss. Jeyaranjan Prasheenaa from the Faculty of Commerce and Management participated the Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths (JENESYS) programme which was held in Japan from 27th November to 05th December, 2017. She was a member of the 16 member delegation from Sri Lanka which consists of 04 high school students and 11 University undergraduates.

Awareness Programme on Entrepreneurship Development Programme

Presented by: Career Guidance Unit, EUSL.

Date: 13.11.2017

Venue: Lecture Hall, Faculty of Commerce and Management..

Target Group: Final year students of faculty of Commerce and Management, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.

Resource Person:
Mrs. L.D. Victor
Senior Lecturer,
Faculty of Commerce and Management,
Eastern University, Sri Lanka.

Seminar on All Island Services

Presented by: Career Guidance Unit, EUSL.

Date: 31.10.2017

Venue: Swami Vipulanandar Auditorium, EUSL.

Target Group: Third & Final year students of Faculty of Arts and Culture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.

Resource Person:
Mr. V. Vasuthevan
Divisional Secretary,
Koralai Pattu, Valaichenai.

Workshop on CV Writing

Presented by: Career Guidance Unit, EUSL.

Date: 10 & 11 .10.2017

Venue: Career Guidance Unit, EUSL.

Target Group: Third & Final year students of Faculty of Arts and Culture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.

Resource Person: 
Mr. T. Prashanthan,
Corporate Trainer and Professional Resource Person.

Mock Interview

Presented by: Career Guidance Unit, EUSL.

Date: 26.07.2017

Venue: Career Guidance Unit, EUSL.

Target Group: Final year students of faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.

Resource Persons:
1. Mr.B. Nirujan
Human Resource Assistant,
Sunrise by Jetwing,

2. Mr. S. Satheesh
Front Office Manager,
Sunrise by Jetwing,

Workshop on Computer Hardware

Presented by: Career Guidance Unit, EUSL.

Date: 19.07.2017

Venue: Centre for Information and Communication Technology, EUSL.

Target Group: All Students, Faculties of Agriculture, Commerce and Management, and Science.

Resource Person:
Mr.A.L.S. Saabith
Acting Director,
Centre for Information and Communication Technology, EUSL.

Training Session in Air Rifle & Air Pistol Shooting and Individual Qualifying Competition

Conducted by: Sri Lanka Schools Shooting Sports Association

Presented by: Career Guidance Unit, EUSL.

Date: 15.07.2017

Venue: Nalanda College, Colombo.

Target Group: Freshers of Faculty of Arts and Culture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. .

Achievement : 06 out of 09 EUSL students were awarded with “Sharpshooter” certificates and scored 80% marks. (68 Students representing 06 Universities did participate this event.)

Workshop on Computer Hardware

Presented by: Career Guidance Unit, EUSL.

Date: 05.07.2017

Venue: Centre for Information and Communication Technology, EUSL.

Target Group: All Students, Faculty of Arts and Culture.

Resource Person:
Acting Director,
Centre for Information and Communication Technology, EUSL.

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The Eastern University, Sri Lanka, was established on the 01st of October 1986 by a University Order dated 26th September 1986 issued under Section 2 of the Universities Act No: 16 of 1978.

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