Office of the Bursar

Mr M M Mohamed Fareez
T.P No: 065 2240212 Ext: 1113
Message from Bursar
It gives me great pleasure in welcoming you to the Finance Department portal of Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
I am privileged to share the activities and important guidance with our stakeholders and those who are interested to learn more about the University’s financial activities and its transparency.
Being the Finance Department of the Eastern University, we provide our services for more than thousands of personnel for a month which comprises students, staff and vendors of the Eastern University, Sri Lanka
Our Team
Financial Management of EUSL
The Purpose of the Financial Management
The University Fund, whether internally generated or received by way of Government grants, subsidies and loans, allocated from the Consolidated Fund through the Government Budget to meet Recurrent and Capital expenditure are public funds. The management has a responsibility for the efficient utilization of these monies in the best interest of the public. Fund Management is dependent on how effectively revenue is generated and expenditure is controlled.
Financial management of the University is governed by the financial regulations, conveyed through circulars and circular letters and also by the directives that may from time to time issued by the Treasury, Ministry of Higher Education, UGC and the Governing Council of University.
Objective of Financial Management
The main objective of the financial management of the EUSL is the efficient utilization of the University Fund for the best interests of the community.
Objectives of the Finance Department
- To provide diligent efforts and dependable financial services to the university community through professional expertise, developing practical procedures and processes, promoting efficient systems, and maintaining sound financial records.
- To safeguard the University Fund by ensuring adherence to the regulatory and other requirements of the Universities Act, Financial Regulations, and Circulars issued by the Ministry of Finance/ Public Administration/ Higher Education/ UGC.
- To provide leadership to safeguard University financial assets, ensuring regulatory compliance, and providing timely delivery of services to internal and external stakeholders.
- To keep continuous improvement on financial transaction reporting systems and strengthen the internal control environment in order to implement best practices in good governance and support decision making of the management.
- To procure, store and deliver goods and services which are needed for the development of faculties and departments within the given annual allocation while following prescribed procedures.
- To develop skilled second layer management to take over responsibilities to ensure the smooth functioning of the University in future.
The Finance Department of the Eastern University would not have achieved its objective without the ardent support of the 30dedicated staff who are always readily available to extend their services during off working hours and weekends.
I look forward to enhancing our services to the maximum possible extent we would, and our website will remain the ideal source of updated information.
Thank you for taking the time for visiting the Finance Department portal of Eastern University, Sri Lanka, and I wholeheartedly welcome any constructive feedback you may have.
Thanking you.