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Vice Chancellor

Discussion with farmer representatives of all divisions of the Batticaloa District

A collaborative discussion was held on 15.12.2022 with the distinguished participation of Academic staff from the Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Technology to meet the farmer representatives of all divisions through the Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture. Academics are in person and did hear the real issues of Agriculture and understood curiously with novel suggestions. Several inputs from the farmers lead to important conclusions of essential Famer-based contextualized educational training and comprehensive farming community-based research.

Workshop on  Strategic Plan of EUSL for the years 2023 to 2027.

Strategic Planning & Statistical Unit has organized a Special Workshop on the Strategic Plan of EUSL for the years 2023 to 2027 on 19.11.2022 from 9.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. at the Faculty of Health-care Sciences, Pillayarady. The Vice-Chancellor attended this workshop with all the members of the Senate, Focal points from Each Faculty, and the Senior Administrative staff members.

The workshop was focused on how to develop the Strategic Plan to align with the New Vision, Mission, and Goals of the Eastern University, Sri Lanka.

Visit of President IESL to Eastern University, Sri Lanka

The President of the Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka, Eng. (Dr.) Kamal Laksiri recently made a courtesy visit to the Eastern University, Sri Lanka. He was accompanied by the members of the Eastern Chapter of the IESL. Vice-Chancellor of the University Prof. V. Kanagasingham
welcomed the team to the University and chaired the meeting. During the discussion between the IESL Team and the University authorities, the President – of IESL extended his fullest support to the establishment of the proposed Faculty of Engineering at the Eastern

SER Writing Meeting of Institutional Review

A Self-Evaluation Report writing meeting of Institutional Review was held on 13.10.2022 at CQA Board Room, EUSL.

The Vice Chancellor Prof. V.Kanagasingam chaired the meeting, and the Deans of the Faculties, Dr. P. Elango – Director / CQA, Registrar, Advisory Committee of the SER Writing, and SER Writing Team are participated in this meeting.   

Prof. M.I.S. Safeena was invited for the meeting, and she shared experiences on Institutional Review.

Centre for External Degrees and Extension courses had commenced the Diploma in Agriculture programme

The Centre for External Degrees and Extension courses had commenced the Diploma in Agriculture programme with the collaboration of Faculty of Agriculture. 

The inauguration ceremony of the programme was held on 10.09.2022 at 10.00 am at Nallaiah Auditorium, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.

The inauguration ceremony was graced by Prof. V. Kanagasingam, Vice chancellor, EUSL as Chief Guest. Dr. N. Pagthinathan, Dean, Faculty of Agriculture was the guest of honour and Dr. T. Prabaharan, Director CEDEC headed the ceremony.

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The Eastern University, Sri Lanka, was established on the 01st of October 1986 by a University Order dated 26th September 1986 issued under Section 2 of the Universities Act No: 16 of 1978.

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